Thursday, February 19, 2009

Top 10 Linfield Memories 1997-2000

#10. Late Night Dillon! We would have covert missions to sneak bagels out of that place.
#9. The dreaded road trip to Tacoma where our van broke down at the Tootle River rest stop and we had to reschedule our match. I loathe that rest stop now.
#8. Being a 70's runner my freshman year for Halloween and "running" to a party on 5th street. It was a long run!
#7. Missing the van to Pacific with Kara because we were busy watching the end of the football game...oops.
#6. Playing matches Friday nights with the ENTIRE football team watching from the catwalk before their meetings. It was always a packed house...until they had to go to their meetings.
#5. Spending Jan Term of my junior year living at the Melrose was eventually called "Camp Bird" (long story there)
#4. Our match against CS Hayward when they were ranked 9th in the nation and we beat them in game 5 16-14. It was (even though I hate the word) EPIC.
#3. Going to Hawai'i during Jan term of my senior year and having the infamous drive to Waimalu Elementary being extremely hung-over with the rest of my compadres and having to pull over so Jason could know...
#2. Realizing on that same trip that Amy (Anderson) Fast was not actually a total (female dog) and actually a lot like me and really cool. (Don't worry, she thought the same thing about me). In fact, we were so cool we took it upon ourselves to find the MTV Real World House. After a liter of rum and coke and being inspired by an inspirational speaker and then dumping the contents of my backpack on the McDonalds counter so I could get a dime I really think we found it.
#1. Linda and Dillon...need I say more?


The Fast Family said...

Wow! I made the top ten! I'm SO honored! (One of my favorite memories as well, and we have the pictures to prove it!)

Paige Lomas said...

You two...too funny! Glad to hear you all had such great memories from Linfield.