Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Its Been a While

I guess I've been busy because it's been a while since I've posted! There have been a few times where I was going to sit down and write but then I either got distracted or really didn't feel like I had anything especially important to write about. Now that its spring break I feel like I have more time to reflect and write about all the crazy things I've been doing...
In teaching I have been staying busy despite the fact that I have a student teacher. She teaches 3 of my classes and even though I don't teach those periods I find I run out of time at the end of each day! How does that happen? I've still been able to fill my days with lots of things and most of them haven't been being social with other teachers (despite what you all may think!)
I've also been busy with recruiting for Linfield. So far I have one girl committed for next Fall! That made me feel really good because I put a lot of TLC into that one! It's a very rewarding feeling when someone decides where they want to spend the next 4 years of their life based a lot on what you have to say. It's a really neat thing and something I need to keep in mind when I think about making calls next year. It's definitely NOT a highlight of being a college coach, I actually LOATHE most of the process until now. I really like it all in the fall when the incoming freshman come in and you realize that they were your recruit and they are starting!
Other than that, tennis started as well. Erica and I are in full swing (no pun intended) with our squad. We kept 16 girls this year (down from last year's 19) and we ended up cutting 6. One we kept as a manager and she is awesome. Lynden LOVES her which is great because as a JV manager there's not a lot to do during practice so it's great that she can be there to help take care of Lynden when we need her. Our team should be pretty good this year, since this is the first year we made cuts (side note: that was one of the hardest things I've had to do) our team is really competitive and really focused. I am super pumped about this season and really looking forward to a great season with these girls. Our first match is Monday so wish us luck! We'll be wearing our new t-shirts I helped design, although they didn't quite come out how I planned but in the end I think the girls will like them.
On top of all that I'm also helping out at Kame, a local Japanese food restaurant and I totally love it. Mieko is a dear family friend and has me help out whenever they need me and it's great. I love it there, I always know half the people dining and LOVE LOVE LOVE all the food plus it's such a change from anything else that I do that it really keeps me on my toes. By the end of my day, especially the days when I would go from teaching to coaching to Kame, I'm tired. But, its a good tired.
I'm still finding time to play volleyball and snowboard as well as golf when the weather is decent. Life is busy but good right now and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Mimi said...

Hey...guess who can leave comments now?

Mimi said...

Fun and Yum pictures.
It's good to see and hear that you are content..