Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 already?

Once again I jump on the blogging bandwagon on the 2008 reflection...mine requires a little bit of help...aka my wall calendar. Anything significant (that is also planned ahead) is written on my calendar. I have been known to forget things because they aren't written on this calendar...just ask Tramaine. Every year for Christmas my sister gives me a calendar and I am so thankful this year that it wasn't Picasso (I had him for 2007 and 2008). Instead, I received one of my most favorite cartoons...Peanuts with Love. As for the reflection...
Lots of firsts for me this year and a few seconds as well!

  • I learned to snowboard! I LOVE IT! My friend Steve is a very patient teacher...that always helps!
  • I coached my niece's club volleyball team. I have to admit that I had tears in my eyes of pure joy when I watched her attempt to serve during a match for the first time.
  • I recruited for our Linfield volleyball program and one of the girls I recruited came! I know that sounds hokey but I didn't realize how much more invested in our program I became until I started that process. It is such a HUGE learning curve for me...this year I've been much better about it!
  • I moved out of my mom's house and into an apartment downtown...that has been an adjustment! Not the moving out (I've done that many times!) but living downtown! Who knew you could loathe Thursday market! It's such a pain to find parking when the market is happening outside your window. It was pretty cool during Turkey Trauma to have a mechanical bull in my front yard though!
  • I went and saw The Boss...front row! My amazing friend Kendra had invited me to go see him but at the last minute couldn't go so she GAVE me her ticket and I took my brother-in-law. It was such an amazing gift that I have never forgotten and one day I will be able to repay her!
  • I taught private volleyball and tennis lessons during the summer for extra money. I had a BLAST doing that and I hopefully inspired a few girls to come out this Spring for tennis!
  • I also golfed A LOT (thanks Tramaine for having a membership to Michelbook!) and I shot my lowest score of a 47 on happened to be on a day when Tramaine shot a 49 so I did technically beat him that day...the only day that summer...and I just so happen to have the score card on my refridgerator...still :0).
  • My good friend Erica and I had a few firsts together this summer as well...I won a tennis tournament together in blistering 100 degree weather and we participated in the Luna Triathlon where I finished 10th overall.
  • I started my 5th year of teaching at Patton, my 2nd year of coaching JV girls tennis at the high school (5th overall in the program), and my 3rd year at Linfield.
  • At the end of the summer I was blessed with the best part about the entire year and that was to welcome my new baby nephew into the world. He is so sweet and beautiful that I am sometimes amazed. He can make your worst day seem 100 miles away when you hold him. He is truely the best part about this year for me especially since I got to witness his birth. My sister had strength that morning I never knew she had and I hope when I have children someday that I make it look that easy.
This year flew by and in some ways I am thankful but in others I wish I could make time stand still. I LOVED all the snow we had and made sure to take it all in the best I could...snowboarding in city park with my niece and nephews was a highlight *Paige posted pictures if you haven't seen them already. I look forward to 2009 as a year of new horizons and possibilities and I hope that I top all the fun things I accomplished this year in this next one. But, most of all I hope to continue to surround myself in the loving relationships that I have been blessed with in this life and not take any of them for granted. Thank you 2008, you were a lot of fun! 2009- buckle up, cuz this could be a wild one!


Paige Lomas said...

I am crying my eyes out...that is the most sweet, loving blog ever! After I read it I wanted to share it with Carlos and CJ and couldn't even get through reading it without crying (for the 2nd time) so CJ read it...that made me cry harder. Carlos just smiled. Very nice Anna, very nice. :)

Allison said...

Yes, this post was very sweet, but I am really commenting to confess my dorkiness. I replied to a comment you made with a comment ON MY OWN BLOG. Nice. Anyway, go back and read my comment to your comment. And be sure to marvel at what a nerd I am.

I write the songs said...

I'm the patient Steve teacher that you should be wrting about.