Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Leavenworth, WA part two

Part of the reason I made the trek to Carl and Sia's wedding was because Tramaine was a groomsman. Otherwise I'm not sure I would have gone! The weather was TERRIBLEb getting there! We ended up going over 2 passes to get there and there were some really sticky situations along out 7.5 hr drive. I had to post this picture because it shows typical Tramaine. He's using a macheti to chip the ice off of his car in SHORTS! It's 14 degrees outside by the way!
A sign with my name on it...only cool to me.
After the wedding we went out downtown to hang out with everyone from the wedding. Once that place closed down (at like midnight) we walked around in the huge snowflakes. They were so pretty. I felt like Lucy in Charlie Brown Christmas because I could catch them on my tongue. And, even though she says December flakes aren't very good, I really liked them!
While everyone in the wedding was taking pictures and getting ready I went and shopped downtown. Lots of cars and people and Bavarian-ness going on down there!
A picture with no snowflakes in it! Surprising! I am the queen of holding the camera away from me at just the perfect distance. As you can see from the bundling it was COLD! I forgot my winter jacket (DUMB!) so I bought my first Northface fleecey thing and wore it under my warm winter vests. It was the best. I loved the visit to Leavenworth and had the drive over not been so terrible I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more. The whole time we were there the drive home was on the back of our minds. Needless to say we took a different route home which only required going over one pass and that was soooo much better. Plus all the snow on the westside of Oregon and Washington was pretty much gone so that made the driving conditions a lot better.

1 comment:

Paige Lomas said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cool pictures!