Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Seeeestor!

Yesterday my seeeeestor and I went out to breakfast at Crescent Cafe...her first but not mine :-). We enjoyed a delicious meal and had a great time together. You can't tell by the picture but outside it was dumping huge snowflakes that were very pretty. We walked around downtown for a while (a very routine thing for my sister) and did some Christmas shopping (supporting the local economy). All and all it was a lot of fun and I hope we get to do it again soon.

4 snow days have left me with a lot of downtime but I'm still left with a lot of projects because I have been soooo lazy! :) I love this time of year. I get giddy every time I see the snow. I won't drive in it (had a bad episode having to get towed up west 2nd)...but I LOVE IT!

BRING IT ON SNOWFLAKES! Give me the whole week off! I dare you!


Paige Lomas said...

we look cute! love ya!

Paige Lomas said...

btw, way cute background!

Sarri said...

Yay for a week off! Your background looks fab. Also, you aren't the only one who has been lazy- my 'todo' list is growing, not shrinking!
Merry Christmas!