Thursday, December 25, 2008

Snow Days Pictures...jumping on the blog bandwagon with these!

This is what happens when you get too much snow! My friend Tramaine lost the HUGE pine tree in his front yard. Luckily no one was hurt and he didn't do any other damage to anything around it...besides losing his entire front yard for the time being!
This is one of the reasons he lost his tree...check out all that snow! There was more later too!
This is downtown McMinnville two days before Christmas. The last day I "shopped" downtown. Beautiful!
The beautiful downtown tree COVERED in snow, Christmas lights, and ornaments. I love that picture!

This was taken on the 1st day we got snow. Sugar was FASCINATED with the snow flakes. He was running around trying to chase down all the snow flakes. It lost it's novelty by the 3rd day but it was fun while it lasted! You can see the bread I've left out on my windowsill for the birds, it took them a few days to find it but once they did, it was GONE!

1 comment:

Paige Lomas said...

Love the pictures! I didn't know you were even blogging. Glad you got that in.