Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Battle Has Been Lost!

"The battle has been lost!"- Taylor as head of the witch's army
"That was Taylor!"- CJ
"Finally she's on stage!"- me in my head

Last night I went to see the production of the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by students at PMS. The last time I attended a middle school play I was in it. The play was done very well for a bunch of 6th-8th graders. In fact, I remember the compliments people made to me about the play I was in and those things make sense.
"Wow, you projected your voice really well."
"You were speaking very clearly and slowly enough for us all to understand you!"
"Good job."
I think I said those three things over and over to each student I came across and they beamed. In my head I had other thoughts, but I'm trying to keep this a positive post :)
My niece was in the the very end. Hence the line, "the battle has been lost." She looked awesome. She had her face all painted and walked like a true henchman. She spoke very clearly and used a gruff voice and all. The only thing that would have made it better is if she was in the first scene...instead of the last. :-)
I also should mention that CJ, Cole and Xander did a fabulous job watching the play too. I can't believe how well behaved those 3 were through out the whole thing. I'm pretty sure they were captivated because at one point CJ turned to Cole and said "That was in the movie!"
Paige took pictures which I'm sure she will post sooner or later. Her mommy brain is in full effect right now so who knows ;)

Sunday, November 16, 2008


OREGON STATE! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Huh! (That's the sound effect after OSU get's a first's funny) The day started out really warm and sunny. Then when the sun went behind the stadium it got chilly! But, that didn't matter because it was a great game full of great hits, controversial calls, and plenty TD's. This picture is the view from our seats, a sea of orange and black. I went with three of my guy friends; did some tailgating before hand with the academic advisor for the football team. What a fun job!

Tramaine and I enjoying the game...he's holding up the #1 idea why. At this point it was still sunny but getting chilly!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Christmas is Coming...

And the goose is getting fat! And my apartment is getting over ran by CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS! I have been collecting Snow Village for over 15 years and let's just say I have a lot. It takes many hours to get it out, arrange it according to what part of the village it belongs (suburbs, farm, downtown, etc...) and what accessories go where! Last year I wasn't up for doing all of this so my 4 large boxes have sat in the attic for 2 years. When I looked through everything I was excited to find some pieces I'd forgotten I'd had. All that aside, most of the decorations made it out, but I just don't have enough space in my tiny apartment for them all. In this first picture I put the Double Bungalo on the coffee table and really hope Sugar and Honey don't pounce on it like they did one of my fall pieces.
Here is the downtown scene set up above the kitchen cabinets. Some are lit, I am still working on how to get them all looks really pretty though!
This last one is of Ashley and I at Multnomah Falls. We stopped here for a potty break on our way to Walla Walla this weekend for volleyball. It was raining and really wet, but the falls were so pretty! It has been a really long time since I've been here and I want to make it a point to come back!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

...the kitties will play

These two are too much sometimes. Every week I do my laundry and haul it in my cool IKEA bags. Well, if you don't know Honey she LOVES bags and every week she crawls in my IKEA bag to play. I caught Sugar in a rare moment of sitting still. He's posing here with his pumpkin that after this picture was taken he decided to chew on. I wasn't a happy camper...especially when it fell off the window sill, good thing the candle wasn't lit inside it!
Sugar and Honey were being their usual selves. After Honey dug into my bag (literally) her brother got a bit jealous and attempted to attack her. She dropped the hammer on him and as you can see in the last picture, she had him pinned. Sugar is a good 16oz heavier than Honey (it sounds like more when you put it in ounces :0)) so he should dominate...but instead he's being dominated.