Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Battle Has Been Lost!

"The battle has been lost!"- Taylor as head of the witch's army
"That was Taylor!"- CJ
"Finally she's on stage!"- me in my head

Last night I went to see the production of the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by students at PMS. The last time I attended a middle school play I was in it. The play was done very well for a bunch of 6th-8th graders. In fact, I remember the compliments people made to me about the play I was in and those things make sense.
"Wow, you projected your voice really well."
"You were speaking very clearly and slowly enough for us all to understand you!"
"Good job."
I think I said those three things over and over to each student I came across and they beamed. In my head I had other thoughts, but I'm trying to keep this a positive post :)
My niece was in the the very end. Hence the line, "the battle has been lost." She looked awesome. She had her face all painted and walked like a true henchman. She spoke very clearly and used a gruff voice and all. The only thing that would have made it better is if she was in the first scene...instead of the last. :-)
I also should mention that CJ, Cole and Xander did a fabulous job watching the play too. I can't believe how well behaved those 3 were through out the whole thing. I'm pretty sure they were captivated because at one point CJ turned to Cole and said "That was in the movie!"
Paige took pictures which I'm sure she will post sooner or later. Her mommy brain is in full effect right now so who knows ;)

1 comment:

Paige Lomas said...

so now you have resorted to "stealing" what I was going to post prior to me posting it? Evil seeeeeeeeeeeestor...evil I tell you. but thanks for at least posting the conversations, that saves me the embarrassment of trying to remember them!