Sunday, November 2, 2008

...the kitties will play

These two are too much sometimes. Every week I do my laundry and haul it in my cool IKEA bags. Well, if you don't know Honey she LOVES bags and every week she crawls in my IKEA bag to play. I caught Sugar in a rare moment of sitting still. He's posing here with his pumpkin that after this picture was taken he decided to chew on. I wasn't a happy camper...especially when it fell off the window sill, good thing the candle wasn't lit inside it!
Sugar and Honey were being their usual selves. After Honey dug into my bag (literally) her brother got a bit jealous and attempted to attack her. She dropped the hammer on him and as you can see in the last picture, she had him pinned. Sugar is a good 16oz heavier than Honey (it sounds like more when you put it in ounces :0)) so he should dominate...but instead he's being dominated.

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