Saturday, August 30, 2008

I Heart My New Nephew

I'm not quite sure I've told everyone in the world but I thought my blog would be another great place to tell people that I love my nephew Zac.  He is the cutest little thing in the world and I haven't gone a day without holding, kissing, or making oogly faces at him.  The weekends I am gone on trips for volleyball this year will be extra super hard on me!

This picture was taken Monday afternoon (the day he was born).  I came back to be with him in between volleyball practices when my sister took this picture.
This is Zachary Robert's first photo (via cell phone of course!).  Carlos was the first to hold him and this was taken minutes after he was born!  He didn't even really cry after he was born so the delivery room became very quiet after Paige had him!  I may be a bit biased but he is the cutest little newborn in the whole wide world!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

T.A.G. (Totally Against Gunk like this)

I must preface that I feel like this is a forward and I can't believe I'm actually blogging about this!
So, despite my better judgement here I go...

20 years ago...
I was 8.  I know I took tennis lessons with park and rec and also golf lessons with Bayou.  My mom had her deli because I remember having to walk down there after tennis lessons.  Besides that I have no idea because I was so young.

10 years ago...
I was getting ready to start my 2nd year of college.  My best and oldest friend, Kerisa, and I were bailing and stacking hay.  We were an all girl crew and were way better than any of the boys on our crew!

5 years ago...
I was starting my first year of teaching at Patton!  Even though I wasn't endorsed I was teaching science (4 classes of 8th and 2 classes of 7th).  I was also knee deep in coaching volleyball at the high school with my friend Jenifer Gubrud.

So far this year...
I've coached my niece in volleyball, finished my 4th year of teaching, learned to snowboard, played in my first tennis tournament (read 1st blog), played in my 1st golf tournament (Wildcat Open), did my first triathlon (read blog below), and won the A division at Seaside.

I taught tennis and volleyball lessons, ate dinner with friends, and watched my addiction, 24 (I heart Jack Bauer).

I am going swimming with CJ and my seeeestor!  And, hopefully accompanying my seeeestor to the hospital so we can all welcome Zac into the world!

In the next year...
I hope to keep playing all the sports I've learned and spend more time with the ones I love!  And, also have a great teaching year because it can only go up from last year!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Tennis Tournament Pics

It was over 100 degrees on the courts the weekend of this tournament.  Every side switch Erica and I were in the shade drinking a ton of water.  This was taking during warm ups.   Apparently I like to point when I do anything in tennis...including serving.
I believe this ball was out...but who knows since I point at every ball I hit!   :-)
The forehand volley.  Decent form...including the "point" at the ball!
The backhand...those weren't very consistent that day...but it got the job done because we won!
Erica and I celebrating after we won the tournament!  We're not much for hugging...but we did after we won this one!  It was a hot day and a long match, so it was pretty cool that we pulled out the 1st place finish!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tri Pics

Erica and I before the race started.  We are good at faking how nervous we are!
I just finished swimming 1/4 of a mile...that doesn't seem that far, but when you actually do it, it's pretty far!
(Dick didn't get any pictures of me biking or going through the finish line because I was so lightening quick!) **jk
This is after I just finished the whole Maryann and I was tired!  I was top 20 in swimming, 5th in biking, and 56th in running (did I mention I'm not a runner?)
After I finished Dick and I waited for Erica to cross!  She did awesome!  We actually passed eachother 3 times...once on the bike, then when I was running and she was biking and then again when I was coming back in from the loop and she was going out!  
With our wicked-cool medals after we finished.  We both had a lot of fun with this and I never would have done it had Erica not convinced me!  Thanks Erica!  Next time we're doing the read-deal sprint tri!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


I did it!  I completed a triathlon!

My friend Erica and I competed in the Luna Women's Triathlon at Blue Lake this morning.  We signed up for the Tri-It which is a shorter swim, but it was still really hard.
My morning started with a 5am wake up.  Dick and Erica picked me up at 5:30 and we were off to Troutdale for our adventure.  Neither Erica nor I knew what to expect so we were both a little nervous.  Once we parked and got our bikes and gear out we looked around at the other women racing and had an instant sigh of relief.  They were all average women out to do something either for themselves or someone else and everyone was in great spirits!
We got all checked in and got our numbers written on our calfs  (you can still see mine loud and proud!)  Then we got set up in the transition area; the area where your stuff is to change from swim to bike and then bike to run.   
At the point we headed down to the water I was still pretty nervous.  I wore a sports bra and long spandex for the swim and was pretty comfortable.  The water was surprisingly warm, in fact Erica's husband, Dick, said women were testing the water and taking off their wetsuits.  Erica and I were in the first heat of the tri-its because of our age so entered the water and were off!  The entire swim is only 1/4 mile and I finished in less than 10 minutes.  There was a nasty current on the last stretch of the swim that threw me but I got out huffing and puffing and made it to the transition area running.  
On the bike I was golden, you make a loop for the 12 mile section and on the way out I averaged between 18-19 mph and on the way back (with the slight wind at my back) I was averaging between 20-22 mph.  I felt great going into the run, in fact looking back I feel like I could have pushed myself further because of how poorly I knew I would do on the run.  
I made it back to the transition area, dismounted my bike and changed into my running shoes and I was off...S  L  O  W  L  Y.  I was so slow on the run!  I got passed before I even made it out of the transition area!  But, I knew that going into it so I tried to not let it get me down.  Once I made the turn on the run loop (and got some Gatorade) I was a renewed woman!  I finished the run strong and when Erica gets me a copy of the pictures I'll show what my face looked like! 
At the end of this blog is a link to the website where it shows our results.  I was SHOCKED to find out I finished 10th over all and 1st in my age division!
Thanks to everyone who called and wished me good luck and listened to me ramble about how hard the run was afterwards.  I'm not sure if I'll do this again, but looking back it sure was fun!  I've never done anything like this before and to be able to do it with one of my best friends (so cliche) made it really awesome.  Thanks go especially to Erica's husband who drove us there at 5:30am and stood around the whole time and took pictures of us (looking so pretty!) during the race.  I'll post pictures soon, until then here is the link to the our Luna Women's Triathlon.
Once there click on "Tri It Novice Triathlon" and scroll down to find my name!