Thursday, August 14, 2008

T.A.G. (Totally Against Gunk like this)

I must preface that I feel like this is a forward and I can't believe I'm actually blogging about this!
So, despite my better judgement here I go...

20 years ago...
I was 8.  I know I took tennis lessons with park and rec and also golf lessons with Bayou.  My mom had her deli because I remember having to walk down there after tennis lessons.  Besides that I have no idea because I was so young.

10 years ago...
I was getting ready to start my 2nd year of college.  My best and oldest friend, Kerisa, and I were bailing and stacking hay.  We were an all girl crew and were way better than any of the boys on our crew!

5 years ago...
I was starting my first year of teaching at Patton!  Even though I wasn't endorsed I was teaching science (4 classes of 8th and 2 classes of 7th).  I was also knee deep in coaching volleyball at the high school with my friend Jenifer Gubrud.

So far this year...
I've coached my niece in volleyball, finished my 4th year of teaching, learned to snowboard, played in my first tennis tournament (read 1st blog), played in my 1st golf tournament (Wildcat Open), did my first triathlon (read blog below), and won the A division at Seaside.

I taught tennis and volleyball lessons, ate dinner with friends, and watched my addiction, 24 (I heart Jack Bauer).

I am going swimming with CJ and my seeeestor!  And, hopefully accompanying my seeeestor to the hospital so we can all welcome Zac into the world!

In the next year...
I hope to keep playing all the sports I've learned and spend more time with the ones I love!  And, also have a great teaching year because it can only go up from last year!

1 comment:

Paige Lomas said... have come so far! I did notice that "baby sitting" was NOT on your list of things to do this year...hmmm, you will have to make room for that in your schedule.