Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tri Pics

Erica and I before the race started.  We are good at faking how nervous we are!
I just finished swimming 1/4 of a mile...that doesn't seem that far, but when you actually do it, it's pretty far!
(Dick didn't get any pictures of me biking or going through the finish line because I was so lightening quick!) **jk
This is after I just finished the whole Maryann and I was tired!  I was top 20 in swimming, 5th in biking, and 56th in running (did I mention I'm not a runner?)
After I finished Dick and I waited for Erica to cross!  She did awesome!  We actually passed eachother 3 times...once on the bike, then when I was running and she was biking and then again when I was coming back in from the loop and she was going out!  
With our wicked-cool medals after we finished.  We both had a lot of fun with this and I never would have done it had Erica not convinced me!  Thanks Erica!  Next time we're doing the read-deal sprint tri!

1 comment:

Paige Lomas said...

You are soooooo cool! I "heart" my sister!