Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My First Post with a Picture!

When I first starting reading people's blogs I thought "how lame that they didn't post pictures, no one will read them if they don't post pictures to go along with them!"  Well, I have a picture to go along with my blog today, it's when the kittens were younger but you can still see what they look like.  Sugar (brother) is on the left and Honey (sister) is on the right.

So, my funny story for the day...about my kittens.

Honey has a fascination with bags of all could be paper, plastic, my laundry bag with freshly washed clothes that she has to dig through...she has no favorite.  So, today I had a Bella Casa bag and let her go to town.  I was in the other room when I hear her start to rustle through the bag...all of a sudden it gets louder and louder until her brother runs through the living room with his tail puffed out wider than I've ever seen it.  Followed close behind is his sister with a bag around her middle (I couldn't see her tail but judging by how fast she was moving she was scared).  I wondered what they were running from but then I come to realize that Sugar is running from his sister who is running from the bag that's attached to her!  I grab the bag but it only rips which scares them again.  I finally got the bag off of Honey (which I had to hold her down and rip the handle apart to get it off of her middle) but Sugar wouldn't come near her.  She tried to coax him but he just flared up and hissed at her like she was a freak.  (Wouldn't you if your sister came at your wrapped in a bag?!  I know I would!)  I think they made up before I had to leave...but it made for quite an eventful evening in the Gradek household!  


Paige Lomas said...

wow...I never knew you had so much to say about your cats!

Allison said...

I love it! I can totally picture the scene from your description. Welcome to blogging!