Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mexico Baby!

Our second day has come to a close and it wasn't much different from the first. Some of the pictures in this collage our still from first day because we took over 60 pictures. Luz (the housekeeper) and I got curious because of all the loud music that was being played next door so we climbed some ladders to check it out. Little did we know the people were right behind the wall! Luckily they didn't see us! We also enjoyed our first of many trips to the grocery store. Its a bit rustic but it has almost everything we need...including coconut milk for our banana pancakes! Yummy! Carlos goes everywhere with us and as you can see he is in almost every picture with me. Don't worry Sugar and Honey, there's no way you're being replaced!

Our first guests have come and gone and our second arrived about an hour later. We have enjoyed the peace and quiet this evening with a late dip in the pool (that feels more like a hot tub right now!). Tomorrow will be much of the same only a little noisier as the construction workers will be back to (hopefully) finish the remodel that should have been done Friday. Perhaps they're on the same schedule as Erica and me!
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