Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm Going to Mexico!

We have arrived in Ajijic and almost finished enjoying our first day at La Paloma. Last night was a bit much with all the rain, thunderstorms, and not to mention Don scaring us with reminders to lock every door while we're here because of robbers! Needless to say it took me a while to fall asleep. I did wake up promptly at 4am when I knew Don was leaving and brought Carlos (Don and Diane's dog and my new trusty sidekick) into bed with me...literally. Erica said she looked over at one point and saw us spooning. I'm not sure who appreciated the security more, me or Carlos! Did I mention there were MASSIVE thunderstorms? There is no proof because Erica was too scared to walk out there and take pictures, and I don't blame her!

This morning I woke up early (7:45am...5:45am PST) to let the gardener, Luz who cleans, and the carpenters in to work on the remodel of the manager's quarters. Erica and I also picked our first bounty of avocados and can't WAIT for them to ripen! The picture top middle is of me on the roof getting some good ones.

The rest of the morning was spent getting situated with our new surroundings, grocery shopping, and of course, laying by the pool. Erica is on official pool cleaning duty. Tonight we're staying in for dinner but going out for dessert and limonadas...Carlos will be our date, he goes everywhere we go!

Stay tuned for more...
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