Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Home From Mexico!

Being back home from Mexico is a little more bitter sweet than I imagined. On our 2nd to last day I thought I was very ready for the journey home...but as I was headed to the airport and having said goodbye to all my new friends (Carlos included!) I got a little sad...ok a lot sad (I cried). Looking back at all my pictures I definitely didn't take enough! I really need to get better at that...and get a better camera!

One of the things I miss the most about Mexico are all the colors. Every building is brightly painted in oranges, yellows, and blues. The sky is a beautiful blue everyday and all the flowers that are in bloom made the walk I took everyday with Carlos very enjoyable.

I'll definitely miss the shopping too! The things you can buy for $5 down there! Holy cow! I am so amazed at the things I bought while I was there and how little I actually spent. It's just crazy. Almost everything made it home too...except one of my hand-blown glass pitchers...dang airport people! I also had a bracelet broken and a pair of earrings is MIA. Otherwise all my wonderful purchases made it home and are hung up in my apartment!

I'd love to continue to work on my Spanish. I feel like I've lost most of it already and I've only been home a few days! I am really glad I was able to have that experience and hopefully can do it again (maybe in December???) Who knows!
On our way to Tonala Miguel (shown in the black shirt) took us to a bakery where he knew they made awesome cinnamon rolls. He was right! They were the perfect breakfast to help jump start us on our HUGE shopping trip to Tonala...imagine Saturday Market on steroids (x10) then add puppies, turtles, fish and birds...oh and don't forget the blind man screaming for one peso for food. Not enough pesos (or room in my luggage) for all the things I wanted to buy there...but I sure tried!
Paige, Carlos (aka: not my brother-in-law) and I at a little shop in downtown Ajijic that had just opened that day. We were their first customers. I bought one of the strings of jaras (sp?) on the wall. Carlos just sat there looking cute.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

In Mexico...3's of Me

No pictures for this blog entry. Erica went home today and that means the camera did too. I spent the morning helping Luz put the kitchen back together. It feels sooo good to have a nice clean place to prepare meals and such and to actually have the refrigerator in the kitchen! My sister arrives tomorrow evening and I can't wait! Tonight I am spending alone in Mexico. I hope to fall asleep quickly and wake up to a beautiful morning. And, since I am along in Mexico (and a little bored) I decided to do one of those things where you write 3 things about yourself...

Three names I go by:
1. Anna
2. Miss Gradek
3. My seeestor

Three jobs I have had in my life
1. Science Teacher
2. Waitress
3. Volleyball Coach

Three places I have been (this year)
1. Ajijic, Mexico
2. Vancouver BC, Canada
3. Three Forks, Montana

People who text me regularly
1. Tramaine
2. Erica
3. My Seeestor!

Three of my favorite foods
1. Pasta
2. Mexican
3. Chocolate

Three Things I am looking forward to
1. Volleyball season
2. Laying by the pool tomorrow
3. Having my seeestor arrive tomorrow!

Three places I have lived
1. Amity, OR
2. Beaverton, OR
3. San Diego, CA

Three favorite drinks (all of which I've had today!)
1. Coffee!!!
2. Mango y Fresca
3. Ice Water

Three TV shows that I watch
1. 24
2. Days
3. Unwrapped

Three favorite Movies
1. Drop Dead Gorgeous
2. Hercules (Honey, you mean HUNK-ules!)
3. Steel Magnolias

Three autos I have owned
1. Volvo
2. Honda Accord
3. Nissan Altima

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mas Mexico

Who knew a simple trip to Bancomer (Mexican bank) could be so beautiful? It really helps that Erica is a great photographer and can capture really simple things and make them look amazing. Carlos was the crowd favorite from all the stray dogs that needed to check him out along the way. At first it was a little unnerving to have every kind of dog, big or small, approach him but he took it like a champ and none of them were aggressive. Today brings us one day closer to having all the construction finished. Its nice to have them here because they're able to help me translate if needed...like today with the gas man!

My sun burn from yesterday has faded into a tan over night so laying out by the pool (again) will still be a part of my routine. Had a great dinner at Nueva Pasada with Erica and Carlos. I love that you can take a dog almost everywhere you go! Tomorrow is the local market that we've been looking forward to all week! We've got pesos in our pockets, Carlos by our side, and some wheelin' and dealin' to do!

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mexico Baby!

Our second day has come to a close and it wasn't much different from the first. Some of the pictures in this collage our still from first day because we took over 60 pictures. Luz (the housekeeper) and I got curious because of all the loud music that was being played next door so we climbed some ladders to check it out. Little did we know the people were right behind the wall! Luckily they didn't see us! We also enjoyed our first of many trips to the grocery store. Its a bit rustic but it has almost everything we need...including coconut milk for our banana pancakes! Yummy! Carlos goes everywhere with us and as you can see he is in almost every picture with me. Don't worry Sugar and Honey, there's no way you're being replaced!

Our first guests have come and gone and our second arrived about an hour later. We have enjoyed the peace and quiet this evening with a late dip in the pool (that feels more like a hot tub right now!). Tomorrow will be much of the same only a little noisier as the construction workers will be back to (hopefully) finish the remodel that should have been done Friday. Perhaps they're on the same schedule as Erica and me!
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Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm Going to Mexico!

We have arrived in Ajijic and almost finished enjoying our first day at La Paloma. Last night was a bit much with all the rain, thunderstorms, and not to mention Don scaring us with reminders to lock every door while we're here because of robbers! Needless to say it took me a while to fall asleep. I did wake up promptly at 4am when I knew Don was leaving and brought Carlos (Don and Diane's dog and my new trusty sidekick) into bed with me...literally. Erica said she looked over at one point and saw us spooning. I'm not sure who appreciated the security more, me or Carlos! Did I mention there were MASSIVE thunderstorms? There is no proof because Erica was too scared to walk out there and take pictures, and I don't blame her!

This morning I woke up early (7:45am...5:45am PST) to let the gardener, Luz who cleans, and the carpenters in to work on the remodel of the manager's quarters. Erica and I also picked our first bounty of avocados and can't WAIT for them to ripen! The picture top middle is of me on the roof getting some good ones.

The rest of the morning was spent getting situated with our new surroundings, grocery shopping, and of course, laying by the pool. Erica is on official pool cleaning duty. Tonight we're staying in for dinner but going out for dessert and limonadas...Carlos will be our date, he goes everywhere we go!

Stay tuned for more...
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