Monday, July 20, 2009

Team Camp and New Car

Its been while since I've posted and that's because I've been SUUUUPER busy...well, I was super busy and then the last few days I've just layed around doing nothing. :0)

Last week I was at Team Camp coaching 12 hour days. I definitely have the energy to last that long, just not the voice. That was gone by the end of day 2, yikes. Then came the bruises. I haven't played indoor volleyball for a while and at this camp there is no easing your way into things. Let's just say I came back with more bruises than a 6 day old banana. But, despite all the physical pain I endured it was a lot of fun. It's really great to connect with people who share a love for volleyball and coaching as much as I do. I just don't get that all that much in my circle of friends and it's really nice to be around that (more like submerged in it!) every once in a while.

For those who didn't know, I've been looking for a new car. I have been on a hunt for about a month or so and I knew what I wanted, I just needed to find it in my price range. I stopped at a dealership on my way home from Bend just to check things out and I ended up buying a car! It's a Mazda CX-7 and depsite what Tramaine says, it's red. It has the two main things I was looking for, Navigation and leather and it was a crossover. I totally love it but it'll take me a while to get used to. I was very used to my other car so figuring out all how to work all the bells and whistles will take me a while, but I think I can do it. For those who want to see a picture; it's coming. In the meantime, here is one I found online.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Oooooooh! Fancy! It is definitely red--just not obnoxious mid-life crisis red. More sophisticated, lovely red. Congratulations on the new car!