Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fun with Photobooth...part one

When we were done decorating my mom's tree today I had my laptop out and my family and I had a great time playing with are some of the results. Needless to say that I was CRYING from laughter. I can't use Picassa on a Mac so I will have to do at least 2 posts to get all the pictures included. Zac is tired during this whole thing he didn't even BUDGE when we took his picture. We couldn't distort his face's just too cute!
CJ with his "Precious Moments" eyes...hilarious.
My brother even joined in the fun.
You can't quite see the tears streaming down my face in this one...but my sister and I had fun with it.
"Bulge" doesn't do much for my "big tongue" phenomenon. :)


Paige Lomas said...

I was talking on the phone while looking at your blog and cracking up...(so sorry sarri) but those pictures are still funny the 2nd and 3rd time around! Too much fun! Now I will post some too!

CJ said...

i like your blog