Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall is Here!

The Lomas' graced my apartment with their presence this evening and after the first few batches got burnt (we had many distractions between Zac and my Wii Fit) we were finally successful in making Claribel's Caramel Corn Recipe (revised because we couldn't find the original so we found an Amish one online...classic)
Paige and Carlos took the first batch home but according to Carlos he won't eat any because it was burnt...which leads to the next picture...
...of the OVEN FROM HELL! The oven on the right burns anything that enters it...but the one on the left works great...if you have midget baking wear (which, thanks to my mom, I DO!)
I took this picture to show the two extremely burnt fingers and the crime scene that it occurred. My sister was the dumper of the boiling hot caramel and I was the stir-er...there was some miscommunication and my fingers were the victims. I think it could have been better had the caramel not melted into my skin between my fingers. OUCH! It took over an hour for the pain to subside...hula-hooping on my Wii was difficult but it did help take my mind off of it!

The end result was a great time spent with my family and some really yummy caramel corn too!

1 comment:

Paige Lomas said...

You are hilarious! What a funny post!!!!! It was fun though. Thanks for not posting my weight or BMI from the wii fit! Yikes!