Friday, October 31, 2008

Linfield Volleyball Fun!

Tonight was Senior Night and our last home match of the season. Not too many tears but lots of cheers as we CRUSHED George Fox in 4. One of our freshman, Samantha, had her father bring leis for everyone on the team...they are beautiful! Thanks Sam!
One of the 3 Kelsey's on our team...this one is rightfully nicknamed "Hot Lava."
Step (not Steph) isn't a senior but I still had to get a pic with my favorite setter. :) She looks so much like her mom in this picture!
Here's most of the team with their leis from Samantha and her family. They are so pretty! I'm keeping mine in the fridge in hopes to make it last longer!
The practice on (or in this case right before) Halloween we have crazy dress up day. This year's was a little more costume-y that in years prior. I am wearing everything mismatched but as you can tell most of the girls are in costume! We have a few gymnasts, a couple of fairies, a firefighter, a pumpkin, a leopard, a baseball player, and a bunch of others in crazy clothes and costumes. I think I'm going to agree with Shane when he said this is his favorite practice of the year...glad to see the traditions we started my senior year are still going strong! And to think, our last weekend of the season is next! Where did the season go! It didn't seem that long ago when I was posting about not being able to go to Texas because of the hurricane and now it's Halloween and we're celebrating our seniors last home!


One year ago (and one day) my little guy got hit by a car. It was a really hard thing to discover because it was my worst nightmare coming true. I've never found myself so attached to a little 4 legged creature like I did Ipo. I still miss him and think about him all the time. Love you Ipsy-Peepsies.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall is Here!

The Lomas' graced my apartment with their presence this evening and after the first few batches got burnt (we had many distractions between Zac and my Wii Fit) we were finally successful in making Claribel's Caramel Corn Recipe (revised because we couldn't find the original so we found an Amish one online...classic)
Paige and Carlos took the first batch home but according to Carlos he won't eat any because it was burnt...which leads to the next picture...
...of the OVEN FROM HELL! The oven on the right burns anything that enters it...but the one on the left works great...if you have midget baking wear (which, thanks to my mom, I DO!)
I took this picture to show the two extremely burnt fingers and the crime scene that it occurred. My sister was the dumper of the boiling hot caramel and I was the stir-er...there was some miscommunication and my fingers were the victims. I think it could have been better had the caramel not melted into my skin between my fingers. OUCH! It took over an hour for the pain to subside...hula-hooping on my Wii was difficult but it did help take my mind off of it!

The end result was a great time spent with my family and some really yummy caramel corn too!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Seaside 2008...a little late!

The conditions were brutal...lots of wind and even RAIN! The rain was the first I've seen since I started playing about 6 or 7 years ago! This picture doesn't do the weather justice! There were 34 women's teams in our division and it was double elimination.
This was taken after day one...where we went 4-1...good thing it's double elimination. All but one of our matches went 3 was a long first day.
Day two...I told Shawn, my partner, that we needed to win 6 matches to win this thing...and she laughed at me. Oh ye of little faith! Little did she know that we would actually get there!
We played the team that put us in the loser's bracket the day before in the finals...and beat 3 games of course!
Of the 11 matches Shawn and I played over the course of two days, all but 2 went 3 games. We had a lot of fun, I couldn't walk afterwards...and I had to hold back the tears after we won because I was so exhausted. The coolest part was when they had us go on the center stage and be announced as the winners of Women's A! Very cool.
PS: My hair could have looked better, but then again I hear the Flock of Seagulls look is on it's way back!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Summer Fun at the Toth Pool

Here are some pictures from this summer that I just got off my camera! I meant to post these a long time ago! This first picture is not the greatest of CJ but its the best of three attempts of me! (Shield the eyes of the young ones if Paige's cleave is too intense...hee hee hee)
Mr. I-know-how-to-dive-Auntie-Anna showed me many many times his moves off the diving board. I had to show him a few myself but there is no evidence of those...I was very Olympic-esque if I do say so myself!
Check out the form!
The areal view of the wee baby Zac still inside my sister's tummy and a very anxious big brother enjoying the last few moments being an only child!
CJ being a total goof-ball. Not sure what he's attempting to do here, but I thought it was a cute picture all the same. :)