Saturday, July 26, 2008

MEXICO! (Finally)

Well, it took me a while (almost a month!) but I'm finally blogging about Mexico.  I have been waiting to try out picasa to upload the pictures and make one of those cool collages but I have a Mac and Google hasn't made a picasa version for macs.  So, here are some of the pictures with narrations below.

This is Kari and I on our first night there.  (A little side note: I am really good a taking pictures this arms are the perfect length)  This picture was taken in front of the last picture on this blog.  It's called "The Ridge" and it's the more exclusive part of Playa Grande where we stayed.  You can only get up there if you have a special key (which we did!)

My brother, Kari, and I in a water taxi on our way to "The Office" which is a pretty cool place to eat...yummy food! (I have no idea why this font when blue and underlined...sorry.)

There is a putt putt golf course at Playa Grande and we played in flip flops and Troy played barefoot.  I had a hole in one but I also had a 10 on one of these was a tough course...can't you tell by the look on my face?
Did I mention the spa at this place was amazing?  The spa itself is two stories and this was on the 2nd story.  The pool I'm sitting in is a saltwater whirlpool.  You can sit in it forever and never get prunie...I me.
We had dinner at this place called the Galeon.  Kari was in this picture but somehow I cut her out and haven't been able to put her back (sorry Kari!).  Troy didn't make it to dinner that night...he was having too much fun at the pool bar and never made it...oh well!  Kari and I had a great time eating YUMMY food and awesome coffees!
This is the view of our resort.  Putt putt is at the bottom and right above that is the saltwater whirlpool from before.  This was the nicest vacation I've ever been on and it was so amazing to spend a week with my brother.  He's going back again in November but that's peek time for volleyball (it's the same week as Nationals which we haven't been to in a while but could this year!)  I'll try to post some more pictures sometime soon...


Paige Lomas said...

it is about time you posted your pictures from mexico! I totally love the captions...and I can almost smell the salty air and limes, yum-yum!

Allison said...

I kind of hate you a little bit right now. Just kidding. Kind of. Looks like an amazing trip! I am so jealous!