Saturday, April 17, 2010


It wasn't that I didn't think I could do it, I just didn't think I wanted to do it.  Paige convinced me that running a race would be fun.  She was running her first 5k.  I didn't really feel like waking up that early to run a 5k, so I convinced Erica to go with me and we set off on our first 10k experience.

To make things clear, I have never ran further than about 4 miles...ever.  A 10k is 6.1.  I am not much for training for things.  So, did I run weeks before?  Not really.  Did I make sure I could last a full 6.1 miles at a slower pace?  Nope.  Did I rest a lot prior to the race day so my legs were fresh?  Not even close.  I played in a volleyball tournament the day before I ran.  We played 5 matches, won the whole shootin' match, and in 3 out of 5 matches we only have 6 players.  Needless to say, my legs (and my shoulders and my everything) were very tired and sore.

But, despite all those things going against me, I did it!  We all did!  We made it across the finish line in "record" time.  Ha!  Maybe not record time, but we all finished. 

Some of the advice they give to prepare for races I wish I would have taken: know your race route.
Knowing where I was going and how long I had a certain points would have been helpful.  Also, knowing how flippin' steep the Steel Bridge actually is would have been the most helpful.  That part just about killed me, especially since I didn't realize I had to go back OVER the bridge at the very end. I thought that we were finishing on the OTHER side of the river so I kinda started to run a little too hard right at the end, only to realize I had a bit more race ahead.  Oops.  But, it was great.  We all got roses, water, and free food (yes!) at the end. 
That's me, the runner.  The picture is small because its from the race photographer's website and he charges $10 for a 4x6.  What?!
Paige did awesome, she finished well and wants to do another (she's a runner now, he he he).  If I do another I want to up the stakes a little and do a 1/2 marathon.  Erica is with me on this one too.  I'm so glad too!  I haven't quite convinced her that we should do a full marathon but I have a feeling she'll do one with me eventually.  I gotta say, I never picked myself to do these sorts of things but they are almost "fun."  I definitely prefer volleyball, beach, or tennis tournaments over these races but it does give me a sense of accomplishment when I am done, which I like.  I am a very competitive person (duh) so I like the races because it gives me something to focus on while I'm out there. 

So, here's to the next race!  Not sure when, or how long at this point.  But I know there will be more in my future! 


Mimi said...

Great story of a true life experience...and oh yes, you are definately 'sports' competitive...and it shows on the 'court. Between golf and running your against yourself, that my dear daughter is the 'real' strength /competitveness of those sports and why you have chosen to exercise that alternative.!

Way to go girl!!

yo' mom

Paige Lomas said...

We are soooooo awesome!