Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge

These are the pictures we took while we were on the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge. Erica was not a fan of being on it because it swayed back and forth and she had to keep reminding Lynden to hold onto on of the ropes. I was a bad example because I was never really holding onto the ropes while we were walking across. My favorite picture in this collage is of Erica and Lynden and the line of tourists behind her and if you look closely some of the people are actually smiling for our picture.. The pictures of Lynden and I were taken just moments before that one Thanks random tourists!
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1 comment:

Paige Lomas said...

I like the information/rule sign. Don't take your water bottle or Starbucks...could get slippery. And...what other vehicle could get across that bridge. "Hey honey leave the Hummer at home." Totally cracks me up...of course you have to walk! Crazy Canadians. Glad you are having a blast! Miss ya! (Did you know that)