Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day!

Yes, these Canadian flags are held on by duct tape.
To those unaware, July 1st is Canada's birthday. When Erica and I planned our trip up here we knew it would be over the 4th of July but I wasn't aware that we would be here for Canada's version too!
We got up early this morning because like I said in my last post EVERYONE WAS ASLEEP BY there we all were 7:30am bright and early (earlier than I would like!). We spent the morning making fruit salad and a yummy drink I got from my friend Courtney with watermelon and strawberries in it! The American version calls for Squirt but apparently Canadians have never heard of it nor do they sell it in their grocery we had to settle for Fresca (which I bought the sugar free kind...gross) or Canada Dry (which they have EVERYWHERE).
After that we headed to the pool for the Co-op's version of Canada Day. Good times were had by all in and by the pool. Those geriatrics really know how to throw a good party! Between the 3-legged dog that I wanted to take home, the old senile Vet who became my best friend, and the burgers that I swear were made out of goat, we had a ball. Lynden LOVED the pool...I LOVED the pool and I in between raffle drawings and listening to the CCR blaring on their make-shift speakers I was able to do some reading.
After showers to remove the day's sunscreen and such Erica and I hit the mall that's within walking distance and had a BLAST at H&M (my new favorite store...cute clothes on the cheap). Oregon REALLY needs one of these! Total bummer is that the malls around here close at 6pm Saturday-Wednesday (and no, it wasn't because of the holiday for those of you thinking that) , then Thursday and Fridays they're open until 9pm...weird Canadians!
Tomorrow we're off to cross a suspension bridge! Should be fun!

1 comment:

Paige Lomas said...

That fact that you think they have Canada Dry "everywhere"is totally funny. Of course they do and so do we, you are just hyperfocused on it b/c you are in Canada! Maybe we should invent and market an American Dry? Just a thought.