Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fun at Lynn Canyon Park

Today was another exciting day in Canada, eh? In the morning we got up and drove to Lynn Canyon Park. It is home to a long suspension bridge. There were a bunch of trails around it that led many different places. We chose one that led down to a creek that fed into the big waterfall that the suspension bridge went over. Lynden and I had a blast jumping up and down and running all around. It was so peaceful I was able to bust out some of my favorite yoga poses (ha!). We made our way back home, got lost, and then luckily used the GPS on my phone and Erica's sense of "oh yea, I know that street let's go this way" direction to eventually steer us back home to "Oma." We finished the afternoon playing, reading, and lounging by the pool (because that's what we do best). Kathy taught me to play cribbage and I kicked her booty the first time around. My guess is there will be a few more rounds played before I leave here...that is if they can stay up past 9:30!
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1 comment:

Paige Lomas said...

First of all, you (over)use of "ey" is slightly annoying. (not really, but just sometimes) YOU ARE STAYING AT AN OLDIES COMPLEX...HELLO!!???? You expect them to stay up later than 9:30? Crazy! Good luck with that. Now on to the pictures...your yoga positions are spot on...really and the funny faces with Lynden...well priceless of course! Miss ya!