Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Merger Part Two...with pictures

I'm not sure why these first few pictures are so small and the rest are larger but hopefully you can see what length Jeff's friends will go to make his wedding so memorable and unique! The Merger was set at the Emerson Cultural Center which is an old school house that has been turned into a museum/events center. The ceremony took place in the auditorium and the reception was in the old gym. After the participants in the first act marched in to the Olympic music each one had their moment to shine. Suzy's friends that spoke on her behalf were tame in comparison to what Jeff's friends did but they were all funny. Jeff's were just over the top. His first friend came out of the audience to the music from The Price is Right and even had the name tag! It was classic and quite funny!
After a few others came out the final act was a combination of Jeff and Suzy's friends doing a skit of how they met. This is Jeff's friend, Ned, who was imitating Jeff...and for those that don't know him he has Jeff down to a T! The dog was amazing, she stayed in that wagon as she got pulled down the aisle to the stage and just stayed there. It made me want a dog! Then I think about Allison and Mocha and I am quickly glad to just have two kitties!
After the first act there was a half hour intermission with popcorn and beer. (Of course there was!) What wedding doesn't have an intermission? When we all came back the bride was sitting in a chair in the middle of the stage and the groom came out and lip sank "Your Song" by Elton John (but it was the Moulin Rouge version with Ewan McGregor) while family and friends came out and brought her wild flowers and kissed her on the cheek. One guy came out on roller skates, another was a group from his baseball team, and these three guys all picked her up and carried her around! The best part was when while she was seated he jumped over the top of her...and didn't even rip his pants!
This was taken at the after-Merger reception. (F00d was served before the Merger...thank goodness too because it was a 3 hour performance!) I am wearing Tramaine's Stetson that they all got for being a part of the Merger...along with Nike soccer shoes...random! And yes, that is some bling left over from the pimp outfit that has yet to be seen.
This was taken right when we got there. It was a raining and cold(er) day in Bozeman. Tramaine in a cowboy hat? Only Jeff can get him to wear that! The mother of the groom took close to 4,000 pictures from the weekend so when I get those from her I will post some more (and hopefully larger) pictures!

1 comment:

Paige Lomas said...

busty look great! I love that you loved the wedding and told such a great story. Thanks!