Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Merger Part One

I just got back from a long weekend in Bozeman, MT (and Three Forks too) witnessing the most amazing/unique wedding I've ever been to. Tramaine was in the production that will forever be called "The Merger" and let's just say there was no end of what he will do for his friends. When we arrived I knew we were in for an exciting weekend because the groom does not have a stop button. He's constantly going going going and is always thinking of creative things to do/wear/be. (I must add that I did take my camera this weekend but the P.O.S. didn't work so I am going to have to steal pics from others folks in order to show ya'll how it all went down.)

Day One: Montana Games

When we arrived our first stop was the 200 acre farm in Three Forks where the bride and groom live. They bought their land and then moved a house onto it. Yes, MOVED A HOUSE. I wish I had access to all the pictures because it is quite an amazing feat. We spent the evening hanging watching the groom's version of a bachelor party unfold. It has been named the "Montana Games." It included (in this order):
1. Whiffle Ball
2. Badminton
3. Clay Pigeon shooting on top of a cliff
4. Fishing in the pond
5. Canoe races
6. Tecmo Bowl Tournament (Nintendo '91 version)
7. Ping Pong Tournament
8. Boggle

No one knows who won, but I'm pretty sure it was the groom because he was constantly changing the rules of the games as they went! I may have forgotten a few but let's just say after the hike up the large bluff behind their house to shoot, and the canoe races most of the guys were pooped. I was able to scoot out and have dinner with the groom's family that weren't participating in the Montana Games in Logan, MT (a town of about 10 people) and had some amazing prime rib...yummy!

Day Two: Rehearsal and Tree Planting

The dress rehearsal for the Merger was more like that of a large production than anything because as I found out, there was an act one and act two to this whole thing. Act one was all the bride and groom's friends speaking about the two and act two was the actual exchanging of vows (and a whole lot more that I became aware of). Needless to say it lasted about 2 hours and at the end they realized they were going to need another run through the day of the wedding in order to make sure it all went as planned. (While they were rehearsing I was shopping in downtown Bozeman...cute stuff!) At this point Tramaine and I were a little doubtful about how it was all going to work because there were so many missing pieces to this giant puzzle and we thought, no way this puppy is even going to get off the ground let alone fly!
The rest of the day was spent at Three Forks hanging out and planting trees that the bride and groom received as wedding gifts because that's what they requested as gifts...then we all got to help them plant them! That was quite a task in itself, it involved drunk tractor drivers, drunk people with shovels and a lot of laughs and sweating. In the end we were all tired and sun burnt but ready to see how this whole thing was going to play out. The overall consensus from the wedding party at this point was "how in the h$%% is this going to even work?"

1 comment:

Paige Lomas said...

So glad you had a great time. So wonderful you have so many memories. So glad you are home safe. Part II coming soon?