Friday, September 5, 2008

In Between Lives...

I have a few moments to blog...

Well, this week has been one that I wish wasn't so interesting!  Besides being the 1st week of school I also had to have my 1st official sub!  Why you might ask?  Not because of volleyball (my other "life") but because I was sick!  The first day of school I came down with what I know now as the stomach flu.  I thought I was immune to all things "sick" at least for the 1st few weeks!  But, no...I got it and got it baaad!
But, I have survived...barely.  I have come to find out that I am not a person who does well when they are sick.  I don't handle it well at all.  It's not because I think I'm invincible and being sick is a sign of weakness (Paige) it's because I can't handle the fact that my stomach hurt so bad I didn't want to eat!  I LOVE FOOD!  And, when I can't get some it makes me sad!  I am the type of person who will find an excuse to eat!  Not because I'm hungry but because I'm looking for something to do!  I love the idea of going out of town, not because the stores are great but because there will be a fun different (possibly new!) place to eat! 
Now, rewind back to Tuesday...I couldn't even move by the time I got to school let alone eat!  It was a depressing that only a mom's love to comfort...and she did.  She brought me gatorade and 7up (because it has something in it to calm tummies) and then told me to go home...which I did.  
By that evening I felt worse so she returned and took my temperature (100.5...I can't remember the last time I HAD a temperature!) and then rubbed my back...and only the way a mom can...felt so good!
I think the worst I felt was when I realized that it was the 1st day I had gone with out seeing Zachary, I was very saddened by that thought...which made my mood even worse.

In the end I slept most of it off between the couch and my bed.  I've since eaten (thank you Jesus) and have most of my energy back.  I won't say everything is back to normal but for the most part I feel great.

Well, off to my other life...volleyball...if you're wondering what my 1st one is, it's teaching.  I usually don't have a break in between the two but today I left early to take my niece home from school so she wouldn't have to wait for the bus and get home after 4pm.  I remember those days and don't envy her at all for having to ride the bus!  But, that's a whole other blog!


Paige Lomas said... think that I think you are invincible? hmmmmm, interesting. Sorry you missed out on seeing and holding zac, I am sure you will make up for it as soon as you are better! He missed you a lot too (he told me so)

Allison said...

Ugh. You have my full sympathy! In my opinion, there is really not a whole lot worse than a stomach bug--a nuclear war, maybe? I love that you said that not everything is back to normal, with everything in italics. Doesn't leave much to the imagination, but is funny nonetheless!