Monday, October 26, 2009


Has it really been a month since I posted last? Where has the time gone? Most of the things I wrote about have already happened. I've moved Sugar and Honey and all(most all) of my belongings to my new home. The kitties are adjusting really well but I haven't got quite used to the new commute. Who knew moving 10 minutes would make everywhere you need to go take 10-12 minutes longer?

I celebrated my 30th birthday with many of my closest friends and family. My sister (who I know will read this) tried to make yummy cupcakes but failed to see how disgusting strawberry icing actually is...especially on cherry chip cupcakes. BUT, she and Aunt Vickie did an amazing job frosting and decorating all 50+ cupcakes, wow!
The alumni game was a success also, there were about 10 of us there, and I actually wasn't the oldest one playing! It was really nice to see a bunch of alumni from the past few years, and get to play against the girls that I coach everyday...and beat 'em a few games too. :)
Since then I really don't know what I've been doing other than unpacking, coaching, working out, teaching, and trying to become more of a cook.
Yesterday my mom came over to help me make chicken pesto lasagna. This coming weekend she is going to help me make pie crusts (she is the BEST at making those). Who knows, maybe by Christmas I'll have learned how to cook an entire meal from her and can have everyone over for dinner...oh wait, that means I'd have to have a dining room table and more than 4 plates. Baby steps...even though I'm 30 I still have a long way to go to being a grown up!