Sunday, September 28, 2008

Team Picture!

Sometimes I wish I would always "suck it in!" in every picture I take!  Why didn't I get a ball to hold in front of my gut!

Long Time No Blog

It has been many moons since I have posted...well, about one moon to be exact.  I have been waiting to blog so I could have pictures to go along with it but alas I can't seem to get them of my stinkin' camera.  I really enjoy my new MacBook A LOT except that it's user friendly-ness doesn't come in handy when you are user-friendlier with a PC!  But, I guess I can still blog with out pictures (even though it's not as fun!).
What's been happening:
Last week I was in Tacoma for the weekend for volleyball.   We played PLU (lost in 3) and UPS (lost in 3).  The losses are always disappointing considering both teams we HAD at one point or another.  We will play them again on our own turf in the 2nd half of the season so hopefully then we can pull it together and beat them!
This weekend we played Lewis and Clark (won in 3) and Willamette (won in 3).  Both matches we played really well and did a lot of great things so hopefully if we continue to play like that in future matches we should come out on top every time!
Today, my mom and sister and new nephew, Zac, spent the afternoon downtown.  We shopped, ate, and shopped some more!  It was a lot of fun and it was great to spend the day with my mom and my sister.  Zac was a good little boy and let me hold him when I could pry him out of mimi's arms!
This Friday is the big 2-9 birthday and I'm sure I'll have something to write about.  Until then I will enjoy my last days as a 28 year old and look forward to corn surprise and cherry chip cake!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Trip that Never Was...

I was supposed to be leaving for Texas in the morning but our trip was cancelled!  There is a hurricane blowing through the area we were supposed to be playing so they cancelled the tournament.   Hurricane Ike gets to go to Texas instead of me!  It's not fair!  The good news is that we are safe and we are not stuck in Texas waiting out a hurricane.  The bad news is that we miss out on playing in 4 matches and there's no way to make them up!  Hopefully the season will go better than our preseason has.  A weekend of down time won't hurt even though we are all sad we aren't eating Tex Mex right now!

Friday, September 5, 2008

In Between Lives...

I have a few moments to blog...

Well, this week has been one that I wish wasn't so interesting!  Besides being the 1st week of school I also had to have my 1st official sub!  Why you might ask?  Not because of volleyball (my other "life") but because I was sick!  The first day of school I came down with what I know now as the stomach flu.  I thought I was immune to all things "sick" at least for the 1st few weeks!  But, no...I got it and got it baaad!
But, I have survived...barely.  I have come to find out that I am not a person who does well when they are sick.  I don't handle it well at all.  It's not because I think I'm invincible and being sick is a sign of weakness (Paige) it's because I can't handle the fact that my stomach hurt so bad I didn't want to eat!  I LOVE FOOD!  And, when I can't get some it makes me sad!  I am the type of person who will find an excuse to eat!  Not because I'm hungry but because I'm looking for something to do!  I love the idea of going out of town, not because the stores are great but because there will be a fun different (possibly new!) place to eat! 
Now, rewind back to Tuesday...I couldn't even move by the time I got to school let alone eat!  It was a depressing that only a mom's love to comfort...and she did.  She brought me gatorade and 7up (because it has something in it to calm tummies) and then told me to go home...which I did.  
By that evening I felt worse so she returned and took my temperature (100.5...I can't remember the last time I HAD a temperature!) and then rubbed my back...and only the way a mom can...felt so good!
I think the worst I felt was when I realized that it was the 1st day I had gone with out seeing Zachary, I was very saddened by that thought...which made my mood even worse.

In the end I slept most of it off between the couch and my bed.  I've since eaten (thank you Jesus) and have most of my energy back.  I won't say everything is back to normal but for the most part I feel great.

Well, off to my other life...volleyball...if you're wondering what my 1st one is, it's teaching.  I usually don't have a break in between the two but today I left early to take my niece home from school so she wouldn't have to wait for the bus and get home after 4pm.  I remember those days and don't envy her at all for having to ride the bus!  But, that's a whole other blog!